Nowadays, working with business documents on a computer has become the standard. Thus, according to experts, in recent years, 96% of all documentation in developed countries was performed in electronic form, 3.5% – in typewriter (typewriter) and only 0.5% – in handwriting. For comparison: twenty years ago, electronic forms accounted for only 8% of all documentation. Moreover, according to statistics, recently about 35 percent of personal computers worldwide have been used only for text documents. Therefore, it is not surprising that a text editor is one of the most important computer programs that every educated person should have. One of the most common text editors is Microsoft Word.
Teacher of computer disciplines Kuzhel Vol. Vitaliyovych conducted a combined lesson in group F28 of the economic department on the topic "Microsoft Word from" A "to" I "in the discipline" Informatics and Computer Engineering ". On which students learned to create and organize documents, work with text, tables, images, graphics and more.
In general, the class proved that Word is the most powerful tool for working with many file formats and great software capabilities.