"Mathematics should also be studied with the aim that the acquired knowledge was sufficient for ordinary needs in life"
(MI Lobachevsky)
February 19, 2019 teacher Vyshtakalyuk NA with group 14 was held a general lesson-conference on "Application of the derivative in various fields of science" in the discipline "Mathematics". The aim of the lesson was to show that mathematics is one of the main sciences that solves such problems as strengthening the connection between learning and life, improving the preparation of young people for work and it creates the necessary theoretical basis for better learning of special subjects.
In preparation for the lesson, students created creative groups and prepared reports with presentations on the use of derivatives in chemistry, physics, engineering, economics, geography, philology. A group of historians gathered information about scientists who came to the discovery of the derivative, named them and the problems they worked on.
After listening to the speeches of the representatives of the groups, a small step was taken towards the application of mathematical knowledge in solving practical problems, and once again confirmed that mathematics is a science that is closely linked to our lives, professions. Its capabilities are precious pearls that need to be lazily collected in your basket of knowledge.
During the conference, the participants were convinced that by exchanging thoughts, ideas, knowledge and experience, people do not lose anything, but gain a lot, namely – new knowledge.