Eternal glory to the heroes, honor and glory to the living !!
On February 21, L. Angarska, V. Burlaka, G. Zhulinska held an open educational event on "Eternal memory – the dead, honor and glory to the living", dedicated to patriotism, humanity, education of the younger generation, the future of Ukraine, respect for homeland land and the people who protect it. Deputy Director for Educational Work PL Beneskul and teachers MN Besarab, VM Burlaka, YM Korzh, NS Demchenko-Yasynetska, IV Sheremet, artistic director LV Mushkevych, choreographer A. Orlovska, students of groups 11, 12, M23, F39 welcomed the distinguished guests: II Grutsya – a participant in hostilities in the anti-terrorist operation zone; VM Durawka – retired colonel, participant in hostilities in the People's Republic of Angola; NM Runchu – Deputy Chairman of the Veterans' Organization of Uman.
For the 15th year in a row, we have been honoring participants in wars and military conflicts in more than twenty countries. The Ukrainian detachment of people of courage and loyalty to military duty numbers almost 250 thousand, the vast majority of them are true patriots, whose lives are an inexhaustible source of strength of spirit, loyalty to the military brotherhood, oath, love for their homeland. M. Bessarab told students about the military Umans of the former Soviet Union who helped resolve military conflicts in Ethiopia, Cuba, Laos, Syria, Vietnam, and showed photos taken there.
V. Duravko, a participant in the hostilities in the Republic of Angola, was invited to speak, and he accompanied his speech with a video about those distant years of service.
The military-political special operation in Afghanistan was the longest and most difficult. We honor those who passed the crucible of Afghanistan and returned home with a wounded body and soul, but alive. Graduates of our college were not left out of those events: O. Zaichenko, P. Semchenko, S. Borovytsky, V. Muzychenko, V. and I. Zakorchmenni, O. Kasiyanenko, V. Khimich, A. Barabash, V. Murzak, O. Prylutsky, A. Kuzmich, O. Solodun. Lesia Muszkiewicz performed her own song "Afghanistan", which filled the souls of guests and students with a stingy tear. Teacher V. Burlak told about his friend, classmate O. Solodun, who died in a distant country while performing his international duty.
The war in the east of the country became a black ribbon for Ukrainians. When Ukraine, after the Revolution of Dignity, was like a wounded bird and waiting for help and support, it received a knife in the back of the so-called "brotherly people". Soldiers of anti-terrorist operation courageously defend borders of our state. Students heard about the terrible events from our guest Ivan Gruts – a college graduate who fought at the Donetsk airport, Pisky, Avdiivka, where he was seriously wounded and underwent five complex operations, and continues to serve in the Air Force of Ukraine, like no one else knows the price of life.
Many soldiers of the Armed Forces, unfortunately, were not destined to return alive, they died forever, still young, but real heroes of their homeland. Attendees saw on the screen photos of college graduates who died in the east of the country: V. Ryzhak, D. Pozharsky, O. Orlov, A. Myronyuk, A. Slonsky, V. Kravchenko.
The song "Black Embroidery" was performed by students V. Lysyuk and V. Maidanyuk with pain and longing for the patriots of their land, real heroes. Bright memory of courage, honor, extraordinary human qualities will forever remain in the hearts of countrymen.
Peter Beneskul thanked the heroes of our time for forgetting about fear, pain, security, all as one, regardless of age and occupation, rose to fight the enemy. Employees, teachers and students of the college convey the most sincere words of gratitude and support, the warmest wishes to the soldiers. The educational event ended with the laying of flowers to the memorial plaque to college graduates who died during the anti-terrorist operation.