
"Ecology begins with you"

"Ecology begins with you"

Every year more and more people pay attention to environmental issues. The World Conservation Strategy states: “We did not inherit our parents' land. We borrowed it from our children. " Therefore, learn to live properly in harmony with nature, making it the slightest change, the task of today and the main message of the III Student Environmental Conference "Ecology begins with you", which took place on October 29, 2019 at our college.
The conference was held in the format of section work in three relevant thematic areas:
– environmental problems of modern civilization;
– current environmental research in various fields of science;
– economics of nature management and environmental protection.
The conference had a friendly, warm atmosphere. The presented reports were interesting, relevant and informative. The speeches were original, students willingly shared their views on the state of ecology in Ukraine, the world, as well as suggested ways to solve environmental problems and security of our lives on Earth.
According to the results of the conference, all participants received certificates.
We offer you to view the photo report from the III Student Ecological Conference "Ecology begins with you"

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