Writing a term paper is an important step on the way to your dream profession
The concept of education in our school pays great attention to the independent work of students because teachers have to show students the way to gain knowledge, and students must use these tips to discover the advanced achievements of science, acquire necessary professional skills and abilities in modern life. That is why the creative scientific search for everything new that appears very quickly in the field of IT technologies, creative activity of students during the preparation of term papers are the "litmus papers" that determine their future professional competence. The course work is the first link of scientific training and one of the official forms of reporting of students for the passed material on the discipline. Teacher Vichkan OM within the decade of the cycle commission of computer disciplines held a lesson-consultation on the discipline "Databases" in group P27, where he told about the main stages of work, stressed the need to reflect the practical part of the work, substantiate conclusions and wish success in their first creative work on the way to the dream profession in the field of IT technologies.