
Important information for students


According to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine /1 / 9-231 dated 04.05.2020 "On the possibility of changing for some graduates the place of external evaluation in 2020" to avoid inconveniences that may occur when students travel to the points of external evaluation, which are STA in the form of external evaluation and living in other areas, given the opportunity to change the place of testing.

Students who wish to change the place of testing, by May 14, 2020 must notify the person responsible for registration for external evaluation in the educational institution Romanovich Sergey Mikhailovich for mob. (093) 60-89-385.

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine /1 / 9-231 dated 04.05.2020 “On the possibility of changing for some graduates the place of external evaluation in 2020