I sincerely congratulate the students of groups K – 46 and P – 47 on graduating from college and obtaining incomplete higher education! I hope that the time you spent in our institution will forever be engraved in your hearts, and the knowledge you have acquired will illuminate your life and professional path, helping to learn new horizons, help achieve goals, help in choosing. way of life.
Today you are on the threshold of a new important stage of your life – choosing the next place of study or your dream job. You have to take more than one decisive and responsible step in life. I hope that every time your choice will be right.
You are young, full of strength, energy, big plans for the future. I sincerely wish all your dreams come true. Never stop there. You are the future of our country, the people on whom our state will depend. I wish you more optimism, inspiration, perseverance, career achievements, personal victories, realization of plans and creative plans. God bless you, generous destiny, faithful friends, inspiration, optimism and inexhaustible energy!
Good luck in everything! In a good way!
With love and respect, your curator OV Szymanska
Photo memories of years of college: