Bank Worker's Day is a national professional holiday of all employees of the banking system of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on May 20. For one of the students of the economic department of the specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" this holiday will be truly professional, and the banking sector – a matter of a lifetime, an environment of professional growth and material well-being.
On the occasion of the holiday, on May 19, 2021, the students of the F 28 group tried themselves in the role of clever bankers, applying the acquired knowledge and skills in the intellectual and entertainment event "I am a banker".
Attentiveness, purposefulness, initiative, ability to quickly find the right solutions helped the teams to increase their capital. Strategic vision, analytical thinking and the ability to recognize risks have served as significant advantages in overcoming tasks and mastering the skills of making informed decisions.
Congratulations to the winners and participants of the event. We wish our students that their first steps in mastering the profession grow into a rapid professional course, career growth and significant achievements! Financial stability, material well-being, self-confidence and confidence in the future for all of us!
T. Derkach, Y. Melnik