Our values are Independence, Dignity, Freedom!
On January 24, 2022, our college and participating students received personal certificates and gifts from the organizers in support of the international initiative of World Dignity Day, which took place from November 21 to December 10, 2021.
Dignity and Freedom Day, like many other important dates, is hard to call a holiday. The classic solemn event with songs and poems is not very suitable for its celebration, because dignity and freedom need reflection and awareness, not just declaration.
An interesting form of reflection on the World Day of Dignity and Freedom has been offered for the eighth time by the NGO “EdCamp Ukraine”, to which students of our college together with curators TI Kovtun and Yu.M. Melnyk gladly joined for the third year in a row.
The wave of discussion lessons of the World Dignity Day 2021 took place thanks to the efforts of the team and the community of responsible teachers EdCampUkraine (https://www.edcamp.ua), together with the initiative #GenerousTuesday, implemented by ZagoriyFoundation, with the support of AmnestyInternational Science of Ukraine and the Office of the Education Ombudsman of Ukraine.
In the photo: The most active participants of the reflection on the Day of Dignity and Freedom with certificates and gifts from the National Chairman of GlobalDignity in Ukraine, Chairman of the Board of EdCamp Ukraine, member of the Advisory Board for General Secondary Education under the President of Ukraine, Ph.D. Elkina.